History of changes to pytest-dependency

0.4 (2018-12-02)
Incompatible changes
  • Require pytest version 3.6.0 or newer. This implicitly drops support for Python 2.6 and for Python 3.3 and older.
Bug fixes and minor changes
  • Issue #24: get_marker no longer available in pytest 4.0.0. (Thanks to Rogdham for the PR.)
  • Issue #28: Applying markers directly in parametrize is no longer available in 4.0.
0.3.2 (2018-01-17)
Bug fixes and minor changes
  • Issue #5: properly register the dependency marker.
  • Do not add the documentation to the source distribution.
0.3.1 (2017-12-26)
Bug fixes and minor changes
  • Issue #17: Move the online documentation to Read the Docs
  • Some improvements in the documentation.
0.3 (2017-12-26)
New features
  • Issue #7: Add a configuration switch to implicitly mark all tests.
  • Issue #10: Add an option to ignore unknown dependencies.
Incompatible changes
  • Prepend the class name to the default test name for test class methods. This fixes a potential name conflict, see Issue #6.

    If your code uses test classes and you reference test methods by their default name, you must add the class name. E.g. if you have something like:

    class TestClass(object):
        def test_a():
        def test_b():

    you need to change this to:

    class TestClass(object):
        def test_a():
        def test_b():

    If you override the test name in the pytest.mark.dependency() marker, nothing need to be changed.

Bug fixes and minor changes

  • PR #11: show the name of the skipped test (thanks asteriogonzalez).
  • Issue #13: Do not import pytest in setup.py to make it compatible with pipenv.
  • Issue #15: tests fail with pytest 3.3.0.
  • Issue #8: document incompatibility with parallelization in pytest-xdist.
  • Clarify in the documentation that Python 3.1 is not officially supported because pytest 2.8 does not support it. There is no known issue with Python 3.1 though.
0.2 (2017-05-28)
New features
  • Issue #2: Add documentation.
  • Issue #4: Add a depend() function to add a dependency to a test at runtime.
0.1 (2017-01-29)